CCYC gasoline geysering

Gasoline Geysering on the San Juan River, UT

Spring of 2018, Canyon Country Youth Corps (CCYC) was asked to work with the Bureau of Land Management on remote sections of the San Juan River, removing and treating the invasive Tamarisk and Russ...
Holiday shopping at a mall

How to Survive Holiday Shopping

Gearing Up for Holiday Shopping? So, you, your family, and/or friends have made a pact to go join the masses at your local shops to get the best holiday deals. But how do you survive holiday shoppi...
Avalanche in progress

Avalanche Avoidance: Tips for Safely Enjoying Recreation in the Backcountry

Avalanches typically kill more people in the mountains in the West than any other natural disaster, and the winter of 2007-2008 was particularly grim. Last year 36 people died – the worst on record...
man on top of rock

Will Cross’s Trip Planning Tips for Adventure Athletes with Diabetes

Type 1 high altitude mountaineer provides trip planning advice for athletes with diabetes who are prepping for a major expedition or climb.  Insulin storage – Wrap the bottles or delivery dev...
Woman trail running

Trail Running Safety Tips: What to Know Before Heading Off-Road

By Heather Gannoe My introduction to running was in a quiet suburban neighborhood lined with cookie cutter houses and countless cul-de-sacs. It was on these paved streets that I trained for my firs...
Emergency Preparedness Kit

Tips for Assembling a 72-hour Emergency Preparedness Kit

When I was a boy, I watched Mount St. Helens explode from the front yard of the family home. It was both thrilling and terrifying. The Toutle River overflowed Interstate 5, and school was canceled ...
Mom hiking with daughter taking medical kit out of backpack

Essential Gear for Hiking with Toddlers and Small Children

Heading out on the trail for the first time with small children can be intimidating, whether you are headed for a short hike near or far. We know. That’s why we hike together and count on each othe...
Two hiking backpacks and hiking boots

10 Essentials Every Hiker Should Carry

Headed out on a hike or even a multi-day backpacking adventure? Make sure you plan ahead for emergencies. We’ve assembled a list of the key items you should make room for in your pack. While it may...
Tent in woods at sunset

End of Summer Camping Safety Tips

Labor Day Weekend, just before the kids go back to school, is typically the last gasp of camping in many parts of the country. But the unofficial end of summer doesn’t mean the potential hazards th...